Monday 9 April 2018

7 tips for better self care.

In the madness of everyday life, it's so easy to forget to take care of yourself. That's why I think it's important to schedule in some good self-care time each week. Actually, make room for it in your diary if you have too! 


My favourite! Have a nice bubble bath. For me, this is the ultimate self-care, couple hours in the bath often adding in some of the things from the rest of this list!

Saturday 7 April 2018

Baytree & Fun Farm

Another half term day out! Today we went over to Spalding to visit BayTree garden centre, I hadn't been to Baytree since I was little and I forgot how much was there! From exploring shops, having lunch, kids activities, owl centre and even kids Play Farm next door! Easily done on a budget or if you want to splurge a little! 


Thursday 5 April 2018

Visiting Peterborough Museum

Hey guys! So with it being Easter half term that is whopping 2 and a half weeks I thought I would blog a couple of things that I and mini-me get up to. Having to entertain kids every day for 2 whole weeks is not only challenge but expensive and exhausting. I can tell you know, my to do list has seriously taken a nose dive. If you're looking for a free, relativity close and stress-free thing to do with your little ones then Peterborough Museum is gold.
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