Thursday 5 April 2018

Visiting Peterborough Museum

Hey guys! So with it being Easter half term that is whopping 2 and a half weeks I thought I would blog a couple of things that I and mini-me get up to. Having to entertain kids every day for 2 whole weeks is not only challenge but expensive and exhausting. I can tell you know, my to do list has seriously taken a nose dive. If you're looking for a free, relativity close and stress-free thing to do with your little ones then Peterborough Museum is gold.

We didn't stop and spend too long in the museum as it was just a quick visit and ended up spending around 2 hours in there. There are a couple of exhibitions that are more adult orientated with lots of reading and just audio, but the Jurassic and Ice Age exhibitions are incredible full kids. They are full packed with activities for children to do from looking at fossils with a microfine glass, puzzles, games, building activities, books and so much more. There's dress up, tunnels and even sound effects. If I and my daughter went through every puzzle and activity they had we could easily have been there the majority of the day. And even better, there's a cafe downstairs for when your tummy starts rumbling and then you could pop back to finish the rest of the activities. Other than the cost of food or drink if you decided to lunch there, it's all free! But please do remember that donations help keep this amazing place open and improving! 

Have you been to the museum lately? What was your favourite part? 

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