Saturday 7 April 2018

Baytree & Fun Farm

Another half term day out! Today we went over to Spalding to visit BayTree garden centre, I hadn't been to Baytree since I was little and I forgot how much was there! From exploring shops, having lunch, kids activities, owl centre and even kids Play Farm next door! Easily done on a budget or if you want to splurge a little! 

First of all, what I loved about Baytree the most was the design elements that as a designer just made me obsessed with the place. Like these wagon wheels turned into plant hangers, I need one in my house asap. I think Baytree used to be a far so what I loved is there was stuff everywhere. The place is jam-packed, even in the shops there's just random things everywhere and interesting quirks like a mini tilled roof, actually in the shop. Or in the Women's clothes area where there's an aviary of birds just flying about. (picture below)
At first we started with the pet shop, looking at fish, lizards, bunnies. I completely fell in love with the rats and not to mention the pond and bridge IN the pet shop. And of course the Macaw that was just chilling, unfortunately, we couldn't get him to talk despite my determination (pictures below)

Then we went to the shops and had a little look around. If you love plants then this is place for you, what I love more then plants is taking pictures of plants. 

We went into The Works which has a store inside Baytree and got these goodies for little one spending a total of £6! We got cute masks which my daughter can paint and then some stick on gems to make it look fabulous and then a sew your own unicorn! This will give us a few hours of activity for when it no doubt rains soon. 

Then we went into the owl centre for a bargain price of £3.50 per adult and kids under 8 GO FREE! What's even better is that you can come back anytime during the day. So what we did was went and had a look at all the animals and then came back to watch them flying the birds at 1.30pm! There were eagles and all sorts of amazing birds along with red squirrels, foxes and there's even a butterfly house! (unfortunately, they were hibernating so we didn't get to see them but I've defo made a note to go back in the summer) 

Then we discovered that Baytree has a play bit and also some great spots for munching on a picnic which I had the genius idea of packing some sandwiches. For once I was prepared. And then we discovered this cute antique shop full of vintage things. Being a designer seeing vintage designs, books etc is like dream come true. I fell in love with the vintage cameras and an old bakery sign that had the most lovely lettering! Not to mention this old car with loads of fake flowers in the back of it. 

Then we headed to the fun farm! This is great for kids blowing off some energy, it cost around £7.30 per child (don't remember the exact price) and they can go in there for unlimited play. So she spent 2 and half hours running around while I sat and read for a bit and my dad, well he popped over tot he car boot just across the car park. Fun for everyone! 

(Maddie, top centre flowery blue dress)

By that point, we're all starving hungry! So we popped into a cute American diner called Jak's that was actually on the Fun Farm. The food was delicious and the music was great. We have Wild West burgers and of course, the unicorn milkshake! And it only came to around £20 for the three of us! 

By that point, we were all exhausted and it was time to head home! So in total we spent:

2x entry into Owl & Wildlife Center: £7
Craft treats in The Works: £6
1 Kids Entry to Fun Farm: £7.99
Jak's Diner: £20
Total = £40.99

But obviously, if you bring enough food with you and don't buy anything in the shops then you can still have a great day out for just £14.99 based on 2 adults and one child! 

Here are some more pictures from our day out! 

I hope you enjoyed this post! Feel free to leave us a comment! 

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